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Green infrastructure in the Metropole Ruhr

How is climate change showing up on our own doorstep? How high is the biodiversity on industrial natural areas? What economic, ecological and social values does the forest offer us? Bicycle, public transport or car - how do the inhabitants of the Metropole Ruhr get around and what potential is there for more environmentally friendly mobility? How far has the region come in the expansion of the circular economy? And what influence do green spaces and biodiversity have on the quality of life and health of the inhabitants? The RVR Factbook provides answers to these and many other questions.

Urban green spaces and landscapes are indispensable for a good life in the future.

The brochure shows what services Green Infrastructure provides for people, nature and space, what benefits it has for ecology, economy and society, and why it is necessary and future-oriented to invest in it.

The Green Infrastructure Factbook is part of the of the project Offensive Grüne Infrastruktur 2030 (Green Infrastructure initiative 2030), a key topic of the Ruhr Conference NRW.

Autor:Regionalverband Ruhr und Handelsblatt Research Institute
Anmerkung:Hersteller: Regionalverband Ruhr Kronprinzenstraße 35, D-45128 Essen

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